The sand forms a continuous transgressive blanket . 砂质物构成一个连续的海进盖层。
The concepts of marine transgression and regression are considered to be fundamental . 海进和海退概念被认为是基本的概念。
In the early sinian , clastic sediments formed by fluvial and continental glacial actions were developed , while in the late sinian , great thickness of marine carbonate rocks formed by two transgression - regression cycles were developed 早震旦世发育由河流作用与陆地冰川作用形成的陆源碎屑沉积;晚震旦世则发育由两次台地盆地台地的海进海退旋回形成的巨厚海相碳酸盐沉积。
The alternative changes of paleoenvironment favored the formation and imbedding of brine , which is the source of salt - water intrusion ; and the paleochannel that formed during regressive of sea level is the path of salt - water intrusion 海进时期,大面积的滨海平原被淹没,在近海平原洼地滞留的海水经过蒸发、浓缩变为卤水,成为咸水入侵的物源;海退后陆源碎屑在滨海地区沉积形成了巨厚的古河道砂层。