Presently a sea-smell reached the nostrils and the river, ever majestic, flowed into the sea . 不一会儿,一般海水的腥味钻进鼻孔,河水滔滔地汇入大海。
Over pumping of ground-waters produces a difference in hydrostatic head in favor of the seawater . 过量抽取地下水时,产生利于海水的流体静力学水位差。
The raucous cursing of the crewmen, the slosh of water, the cries of sea birds, were the only sounds . 只剩下船员们沙哑的咒骂声,海水的溅泼声、海鸟的鸣叫声。
Evidently, the sulfates normally in seawater are converted to hydrogen sulfide as the water passes through the warm crust . 显而易见,平常含于海水的硫酸盐在海水通过暖地壳时转变成了硫化氢。
Whether with the sea salt, or because i was growing fevered, i was distressed with thirst, and had to stop . 我唇焦口渴,弄不懂是因为海水的盐份,还是因为周身越来越发热的缘故,我只好停了下来。