The sea was calm, the wind was fair, and the vessels sped swiftly on their way . 海平风顺,船在途中疾行。
Chairman : mr chan sam - choi 主席:黎海平先生
Riverside tidal sea level , sea total chao - moon , almonds reunion , bless music with your actions . friends : mid - autumn happier 春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生,花好月圆人团聚,祝福声声伴你行。朋友:中秋快乐!
Chinese hurdler and superstar liu xiang has no plan to retire and may participate in the 2012 olympic games in london , his coach sun haiping has said 中国跨栏超级明星刘翔的教练孙海平说刘翔并没有退役的打算,可能要参加2012年在伦敦举行的奥运会。
Sun hai - ping , deputy chief coach of the china national athletics team , said liu ' s success came not just from his own innate abilities but from a combination of strong willpower and continuous training 在中国国家田径队副总教练孙海平的眼中,刘翔的成功并非只有天赋,他表示刘翔的意志质量是非常坚强的,实际上也是天赋加上刻苦的训练,加上各方面的支持,所以才有今天。