

  • harbor defence asdic
  • 海岸:    seaboard; seabeach; seashore ...
  • 水声:    underwater sound sound of wa ...
  • :    stand; be on one's feet
  • 水声站:    hydroacoustic station
  • 海岸水域:    coastal waters


        海岸:    seaboard; seabeach; seashore ...
        水声:    underwater sound sound of wa ...
        :    stand; be on one's feet
        水声站:    hydroacoustic station
        海岸水域:    coastal waters
        海岸水底平原:    coast shelf
        海岸水域污染:    pollution of coastal waters
        岸水:    kishimizu
        水声:    1.[物理学]underwater sound2.(水发出的声音) sound of water 水声潺潺 (to hear) the rippling sound of water; 水声学 hydroacoustics; [声学] underwater acoustics; marine acoustics
        关于保护地中海海岸水域的协定:    agreement concerning the protection of the waters of the mediterranean shores
        海岸水雷测舰;磁性测仪侦测圈:    mhc
        近岸水:    inshore water
        沿岸水:    coastal water
        海岸:    seaboard; seabeach; seashore; seacoast; coast; shore 沿海岸航行 sail along the coast; 海岸沉积 coast deposit; 海岸带 coastal zone; 海岸堤防 dyke [dike]; coastal levee; 海岸地带 coastal strip; littoral zone; 海岸地貌 coastal landform; 海岸防护 coast protection; 海岸防护林 protective coast-forest; 海岸防御 coastal [coast] defence; 海岸工程 coastal engineering; 海岸观察哨 coast watcher; 海岸灌丛 littoral thicket; 海岸警卫[备]队 [美国] coast guard; 海岸雷达 shore radar; 海岸林 littoral forest; 海岸炮 coast gun; 海岸炮兵 coast artillery; 海岸气候 coastal climate; 海岸侵蚀 coast erosion; 海岸区 coastal area [region]; 海岸沙漠 coastal desert; 海岸沙丘 coast dune; [西班牙] medano; 海岸松 maritime pine; 海岸台 offshore bench; 海岸图 coast chart [map]; 海岸预警雷达 shore early-warning radar; 海岸沼泽 coastal marsh
        凹岸水流:    concave flow
        冰岸水道:    shore lead
        击岸水流:    alluvion
        近岸水体:    coastal waters
        近岸水域:    coastal waters; inshore waters; near shore waters
        满岸水位:    bank full stage; bank stage; bankfull stage; bankfullstage
        平岸水位:    bank stage
        齐岸水位:    bankfull stage
        凸岸水流:    convex flow
        沿岸水域:    coastal area; inshore waters; stretch of coastal water
        击水声:    splashing


  1. "海岸视高差"英文
  2. "海岸疏林"英文
  3. "海岸疏林,海滨木本群落"英文
  4. "海岸水底平原"英文
  5. "海岸水雷测舰;磁性测仪侦测圈"英文
  6. "海岸水域"英文
  7. "海岸水域污染"英文
  8. "海岸松"英文
  9. "海岸松干蚧"英文
  10. "海岸搜索雷达"英文


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