海员: seaman; sailor; mariner国籍: nationality a surname及: reach; come up to身份证明: identification paper书: write海员国籍及身分证明书: seaman's certificate of nationality and identity海员国籍证明书: certificate of nationality for a seaman身份证明书: certificate of identity; character reference海员身份证: seaman's identity book身份证明: id identification;identity; identification paper身份证明信: letter of identity户口本及身份证: household register and id cards of my family members; residence booklet and id国籍证明书: certificate of nationality本人身份证明: id card; personal identity card身份证明文件: identity document; id――idtentification身份证明证件: identity papers发报人的身份证明: identification of sender; identification ofsender官方身份证明文件: official identity来源地身份证明码: source-identification code需出示身份证明: certificates实物股份证明书: physical share certificates船舶国籍证明书: national paper海员身分证明书: certificate of identity for a seaman旅行及身份证件特设委员会: ad hoc committee on travel and identity documents必须有托运人的身份证明: must be signed by the carrier and the shipper