海冰: rubble; sea ice受: receive; accept剪力: shearing产生: produce; engender的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...裂缝: rent; rip; hiatus; tear; rif ...可能产生的裂缝: potential fracture由迎面阻力产生的剪力: drag shear惯性力产生的力矩: moment due to inertia force着重力产生的实际效果,如: force承受剪力: load in shear受剪力钢筋: shearing bar侧力产生器: side-force generator电力产生: generation of electricity地上的裂缝: a fissure in the ground fracturerupture管道的裂缝: a in the pipee焊合的裂缝: welded fissure很深的裂缝: gash控制的裂缝: controlled cracking岩石的裂缝: crevices in a rock右边的裂缝: crevasse to the right海冰受挤压拱起成帐幕状: tenting海冰受挤压隆起成帐幕状: tenting of sea ice剪力裂缝: shearing crack升力产生装置: lifting system