海军: sea service; navy文职人员: nonmilitary personnel海军文职人员指挥部: naval civilian personnel command海军文职人员指挥部主任: director of naval civilian personnel command国防军文职人员: wehrmachtsbeamte文职人员: civil servant; civil service; civilian staff; staff酒店文职人员: hotel clerk就业文职人员: civilian employment文职人员编制: civil establishment文职人员费用: civilian staff costs文职人员工薪: civil service pay文职人员工资: civil service pay文职人员, 非军事人员: non-military personnel文职人员的职业: clerical and commercial occupation文职人员的总称: civil service文职人员训练科: civilian training section全国文职人员联合会: union del personal civil de la nacion文职人员编制和薪酬处: civilian establishment and pay office文职人员待命安排制度: civilian standby arrangements system文职人员人事中心主任: head civilian officers' personnel centre海军文汇: morskoi sbornik编制部负责文职人员事务部长: minister of establishment in charge of civil service根据才能任命文职人员的制度: merit system武装部队的文职人员保健医疗计划: civilian health and medical programs for uniformed services驻海地国际文职人员特派团: mission international civilian in haiti