海军: sea service; navy军备竞赛: armament race; arms race核军备竞赛: nuclear arms race军备竞赛: armament race; arms races引发军备竞赛: spark an arms race制止军备竞赛: reversal of the arm race大规模军备竞赛: massive armaments race军备竞赛后果问题专家组: expert grouon the consequences of the arms race军备竞赛经济及社会后果: economic and social consequences of the arms race外层空间的军备竞赛: arms race in outer space海军军备和裁军: naval armaments and disarmament裁减海军军备和海军裁军: naval arms reductions and disarmament关于限制海军军备条约: five power treaty防止外层空间军备竞赛特设委员会: ad hoc committee on the prevention of arms race in outer space军备竞赛和军事开支的经济和社会后: economic and social consequences of the停止核军备竞赛和进行核裁军: cessation of the nuclear arms race and技术装备竞赛: technological arms race弹群{海军军语: salvo海军军官: naval officer◇海军军官受阅方队 naval officer parade formation; 海军军官学校 naval academy海军军舰: navy ship海军军力: navy海军军区: naval district; naval region海军军人: navy海军军士: petty officer; yeoman rating海军军士长: chief petty officer
海军军备竞赛的法语:course aux armements navals海军军备竞赛的俄语:гонка морских вооружений гонка военно-морских вооружений гонка вооружений на морях海军军备竞赛的阿拉伯语:سباق التسلح البحري;