His immaculate appearance gave him the nickname of "the dude" among some . 他那一尘不染的外表,使他在有些人之中赢得了“花花公子”的浑名。
The delawares have given me my name, not so much account of a bold heart, as on account of a quick eye . 特拉华人给了我浑名,并不是因为我大胆勇敢,而是由于我眼尖腿快而起的。
The name of figs, which had been a byword of reproach, became as respectable and popular a nickname as any other in use in the school . 无花果儿这名字本来含有侮辱的意思,后来却成了学校里最受欢迎和最体面的浑名儿之一。
I mean , most of these kids have some badass names 我是说,这些孩子多数都有浑名
Prince nikolay andreivitch , once a commander - in - chief , known in the fashionable world by the nickname of the prussian king , had been exiled to his estate in the reign of paul , and had remained at bleak hills ever since with his daughter , princess marya , and her companion , mademoiselle bourienne 在上流社会中浑名叫做leroideprusse的大将尼古拉安德烈耶维奇公爵,当保罗皇帝在位时就被流放到农村,他和女儿叫做玛丽亚的公爵小姐以及她的女伴布里安小姐,在童山过着深居简出的生活。
浑: muddy; turbid名: time; times; days叫浑名: nickname宾夕法尼亚州的浑名。: keystone state浑内尔特: dr. matthias huenert浑流: mudflow; turbid flow浑朴: simple and honest浑括一切: including all浑球红假单胞菌: rhodobacter sphaeroides浑括: include 浑括一切 including all浑球红细菌: rhodobacter sphaeroides浑金璞玉: unrefined gold and unpolished jade -- an unadorned beauty; jade and gold in natural state; unchiselled [uncut; uncarved] jade and unsmelted gold; a diamond in the rough [a rough diamond]; one who has not been spoiled; a beautiful un-tutored talent; completely natural; pure-minded; simple-minded (亦作“璞玉浑金)浑然: 1.(完全地; 全然) completely; without leaving a trace2.(形容完整而不可分割) integral and indivisible浑江市: baishan