测量: survey; measure总监: inspector general; chief ins ...质量总监: majordomo of quality assurance; quality administration海外测量总局: directorate of overseas surveys著名外资生产型企业-质量总监: cqo总监督官;测量主任。: surveyor general总监: inspector general; chief inspector量总和: quantal summation; quantum summation产量总额: total gross output热量总和: heat summation热量总损失: overall heat loss双变量总体: bivariate population增量总和: delta-sigma; deltasigmaainspector总监: inspector general; chief前总监: p.d.g.:past district governor务总监: superintendent of mines总裁,总监。: director general总监(财务): director (finance)总监(运作): director (operations)总监;总管: controller总监办: director's office材料用量总表: material used summary sheet国家计量总局: state bureau of metrology净能量总耗量: total net energy consumption现金流量总额: gross cash flow