- Ⅰ形容词
1.(浑浊) muddy; foul; turbid 短语和例子
污浊 dirty; filthy; foul; 混浊 turbid; 浊流 muddy stream2.(低沉粗重) deep and thick; muddy 短语和例子
重浊的声音 muddy voice3.(混乱) confused; chaotic; corrupted
(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子
浊鹏 zhuo peng
- 浊斑: cloud point; opacitas; opacity
- 灼足综合征: burning foot syndrome
- 浊变辉长岩: allalinite
- 灼灼: [书面语] shining; brilliant 目光灼灼 with keen, spar-kling eyes
- 浊层搬运: turbid layer transport