科技英语: scientific English的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...语言: language特点: characteristic; distinguishi ...与: take part in; participate in翻译: translate; interpret; put... ...技巧: skill; technique; craftsmans ...法律英语的语言特点及其翻译技巧: legal english and its translation skills论经济英语的语言特点及其汉译技巧: on the linguistic features and translation of economic english科技英语的翻译技巧: translation skills of scitech english浅谈法律英语的语言特点: on the linguistic characteristics of legal english谈商务英语的语言特点及翻译: linguistic features of business english and translation科技英语的特点及其翻译: characteristics of technological english & its translation科技英语语域及其语言特点: the register of english in science and its language features商务英语的特点及翻译技巧: the characteristics and translation techniques of business english漫谈科技英语新词及翻译: tips on scientific english new words and translation科技英语的词汇特点及翻译中的选词: vocabulary features of technical english and word selection in translation营销英语的语言特征及其翻译: on the linguistic features of marketing english and its translation法律英语的语言特征: on linguistic features of legal english广告英语的语言特色: the language characteristics of english advertisements英语广告语的语言特征: an analysis of language features in english advertising英语军语的语言特征: linguistic features of english military terms正式英语的语言特征: on the linguistic features of formal english英语拟声词的修辞功能与翻译技巧: rhetorical functions and translation technics of english onomatopoeic words谈科技英语语言学特征问题: on the linguistic characteristics of english for science and technology