She was a tall girl with fair hair and pleasant freckles . 她身材很高,一头浅色的秀发,还有着几颗逗人喜欢的雀斑。
There was dr. b., a southerner, with fair hair, blue eyes, a handsome face, a warm, pleasant smile . 有一个是B大夫,南方人,他有浅色的头发,蓝眼睛,漂亮的脸,亲切愉快的笑容。
He had rather regular features; a good mouth; light eyes under somewhat heavy, dark eyebrows; a smooth, square forehead . 他五官端正,嘴巴棱角分明;粗浓的黑眉毛,下面生着一对浅色的眸子;前额光滑而宽阔。
A neutral tie can be worn with a shirt of any color 浅色的领带配什么颜色的衣服都可以。
But i couldn t go in that light suit 可是我总不能穿浅色的衣服去呀。