

发音:   用"流速剖面"造句
  • fluid velocity profile


  1. These include the rotating disk , the towed plate , and the velocity profile methods
  2. Results of inspection and application show that the velocity profile simulated by hough transform is more close to the measured values than that simulated by the least square method
  3. The first two are indirect methods in as much as they rely on measurements of overall torque or resistance and boundary layer similarity laws to obtain du + , whereas the velocity profile method provides a direct measurement of du +
    首两个是间接的方法一样因为他们依靠的测量整体扭矩或阻力和边界层相似性法律以取得杜+而流速剖面法提供了一个直接测量杜+ 。
  4. Under different positions of a tripping wire or speeds of the side jet , the controlled experiments were made , including the receptivity of the shear layer near jet exit to acoustic excitations , the spatial development of fluctuating velocity and the profiles of mean velocity
  5. The principles of phased array are expressed firstly in china and time delay transmission theory of phased array is also present . this theory make it possible to transmit broadband signals and the phased array improved by this theory can be used in acoustic doppler current profiler


        流速:    velocity of flow; strength; ...
        剖面:    bisect; section; profile
        流速剖面图:    velocity profile
        等速剖面:    isocon; isovelocity cross section
        溶速剖面:    dissolutionrate profile
        转速剖面:    drehzahlprofil speed profile
        超声波剖面流速仪:    ultrasonic profile current-meter
        海流速度剖面仪:    current velocity profiler
        风速剖线:    wind speed profile; wind velocity profile
        加速剖谱法:    accelerator mass spectrometry; ams
        流速:    [机械工程] velocity of flow; strength; [水文] current velocity; current speed; flow rate◇流速管 pitot tube; 流速计 hydrodynamometer; rhysimeter; flowmeter; pitometer; 流速仪 current meter
        a-a剖面:    a a section; a-a section
        剖面:    [地质学] bisect; section; profile 横剖面 cross section; 纵剖面 longitudinal section; 剖面符号 [图] section symbols; 剖面图 [电磁] sectional view; profile; bisect; profile chart; sectional drawing; section; 剖面线 hatch
        纬向风速剖线:    zonal wind-speed profile
        测流速:    measurement of current velocity; velocity gauging; velocity measurement
        潮流速:    tidal velocity
        等流速:    velocity, uniform
        低流速:    iow flow
        点流速:    point velocity
        流率;流速:    flow rate
        流速, 流量:    flow rate; flowrate
        流速,速度:    velocity
        流速摆:    hydrometric pendulum
        流速表:    gidromtr; hydrometer; tachometer
        流速层:    velocity layer


  1. "流速脉动"英文
  2. "流速面积法"英文
  3. "流速喷嘴"英文
  4. "流速偏航"英文
  5. "流速坡"英文
  6. "流速剖面图"英文
  7. "流速曲线"英文
  8. "流速容量关系"英文
  9. "流速容量曲线测定"英文
  10. "流速时间积分"英文


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