流血: shed blood的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...宇宙: universe; cosmos流血的: bleed; bloody; red-handed; sanguinous不流血的: bloodless不流血的死: a dry death流血的爱: bleeding love流血的谎言: love lies bleeding流血的伤口: bleeding wound未流血的: unbloody浩瀚的宇宙: complete cosmos the solar system霍金的宇宙: stephen hawkings universe失落的宇宙: lost universe优雅的宇宙: the elegant universe整块的宇宙: block universe; blockuniversee不流血的战争: a white war流血的大地呢: what about the bleeding earth流血的地球呢: what about the bleeding earth (what about us)我流血的情人: my blood valentine果壳中的宇宙: the universe in a nutshell我们的宇宙观: 117.our picture of the universe流血的黄色录像: blood sex tape辩证法的宇宙观: the dialectical world outlook不断膨胀的宇宙: the expanding universe测地的宇宙飞船: geodesic spacecraft