泵: pump送: deliver; carry石油产品: petroleum products的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...主: host组: group运送石油产品的车辆: oil-delivery truck石油产品的混浊: cloudiness in oil石油产品的精制: refining of petroleum product石油产品的色泽: color shade of petroleum product; color shade of petroteum product石油产品的酸度: acidity of petroleum product石油产品的添加剂: fortifying of petroleum products石油产品的性质: properties of petroleum products石油产品的蒸馏: distillation of petroleum products冬季石油产品的输送: cold-weather pipelining每磅石油产品的热值: heat value per pound石油产品的加热输送: conveying of heated fuel oils石油产品的酸碱测定: acid-base determination of petroleum products石油产品的酸碱测定法: acid-base determination of petroleum products运输黑色石油产品的油船: dirty ship运输石油产品的橡皮管: rubber cargo hose装卸石油产品的设备: oil-loading -ties装卸石油产品的栈桥: oil-loading rack石油;石油产品: petroleum纯石油产品: straight petroleum products