泰: safe; peaceful; calm泽: pool; pond团体: organization; group; team创办人: founder哲: wise; sagacious泰泽团体: taizé community创办人: charter member; founder member; founder's profit; founder-member; patriarch; promoter创办人;发起人: originator创办人股本: founders' share创办人股份: promoter’s share公司创办人: company founder; incorporator共同创办人: cofounder人罗: hitora创办人股本;发起人股本: founders' share创办人之一, 发起人之一: founder-member古典法国”绘画创办人大卫: jacques louis david路透创办人股份公司: reuters founders share company泰泽: taizé community; teze; tezze; theise; thezee; tyser; tyzzer创办: establish; set up; found; sponsor 创办一所学校 establish a shool; set up a school; 创办一所医院 found a hospital; 创办企业 pioneer [found] an enterprise; 创办一项事业 found an undertaking; 创办这个公司花了好几年时间。 the establishment of the business took several years.; 创办成本 organization costs; 创办刊物 start a publication; 创办利润 promoter's profit; 创办人 founder; 创办资本投资 initial capital investment罗哲夫: rutherford samuel罗哲斯: carl rogers罗哲文: luo zhewen罗哲贤: luo zhexian试论团体创造力研究与创造心理学的理论转向: on team creativity research and the turning point of creativity psychology肯泰泽: cinteza