泰: safe; peaceful; calm坦: level; smooth; flat的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...复仇: avenge; revenge祭奠: hold a memorial ceremony for标枪: javelin暗: dark; dim; dull金: metals装备: equip; fit out泰坦的复仇: titan's revenge祭奠标枪: ceremonial javelin暗金装备: unique items猫眼护身符(暗金装备): eye风之力九头蛇弓(暗金装备): wf协角之冠军帽(暗金装备,俗称“军帽”): shako眼球涡流水晶(暗金装备): orb泰坦的: of the titan合金装备: metal gear solid合金装备2: gear solid 2: sons of liberty泰坦的三叉戟: trident of the titans玛侬的复仇: manon des sources/manon of the spring女人的复仇: manon des sources忍者的复仇: the revenge of shinobi甜蜜的复仇: noce blanche; white wedding无声的复仇: (soundless) yc