

  • tyler screen analysis
  • :    safe; peaceful; calm
  • :    eye
  • 筛析:    screen analysis; sieve analy ...
  • 泰勒筛析法:    tyler sieve analysis method
  • 筛析:    [工业] screen analysis; sieve analysis; sieve classification; sieving


        :    safe; peaceful; calm
        :    eye
        筛析:    screen analysis; sieve analy ...
        泰勒筛析法:    tyler sieve analysis method
        筛析:    [工业] screen analysis; sieve analysis; sieve classification; sieving
        粗目筛:    coarse meshed sieve; coarse sandy loam
        密目筛:    close-mesh screen
        筛目筛:    mesh sieve
        网目筛:    mesh sieve
        细目筛:    micro mesh sieve
        泰勒:    al tell; andrew taylor; andy taylor; at tall; chataylor; chester taylor; christine taylor .....kate veatch; don taylor; elizabeth t aylor; elizabeth taylor; femtiger; frederick winslow taylor; gary teale; graham taylor; james taylor; jim taylor; john tyler; lili taylor; liv tyler; maik taylor; martin taylor; matthew taylor; roger taylor; ryan taylor; steven taylor; stuart taylor; tailer; tailler; tailor; tall at; tayler; taylor series expansion; taylor-prandtl modification of reynolds analogy; tayloroj.e; teiler; tell al; tero; thaler; theiler; vaughn taylor; wat tyler; zachary taylor; zachary tylor
        筛析;筛选:    sieve analysis
        筛析表:    size plot; sizing diagram; sizing plot
        筛析煤:    sized coal
        栅筛析:    grizzly screening
        换成40目筛布:    change it with a 40 mesh screen
        盲目筛穴:    brute force screens
        差示筛析:    differential screen analysis
        二次筛析:    secondary grizzly
        干砂筛析:    dry sieve analysis
        累积筛析:    cumulative screen analysis
        砾石筛析:    gravel sieve analysis
        煤的筛析:    coal-sizing analysis
        砂样筛析:    sample sieve analysis
        筛筛析法:    test method for fineness of


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