泪: tear; teardrop鼻管: nasal tube狭窄: narrow; cramped先天性泪鼻管狭窄: congenital stenosis of lacrimonasal duct泪鼻管闭锁: atresia of lacrimonasal duct; atresiaoflacrimonasalduct管狭窄: l4-5鼻激管狭窄: obstruction of the nose鼻泪管狭窄: dacryocystorhinostenosis; stenosisofnasolacrimalduct胆管狭窄: cholangiostenosis; stenosis of bile duct; stricture of bile duct胆总管狭窄: common bile duct stricture; stricture of common bile duct肺血管狭窄: stricture of pulmonary vessel肝管狭窄: hepatic duct stenosis肛管狭窄: stenosis of anal canal; stricture of anal canal泪管狭窄: dacryostenosis泪小管狭窄: stenosis of lacrimal canaliculi; stenosis of lacrimal canaliculus气管狭窄: stenosis of trachea; tracheal stenosis; tracheostenosis食管狭窄: esophageal stenosis; esophagostenosis; lemostenosis; oesophageal stricture; stenosis of esophagus; stricture of esophagus输精管狭窄: stricture of vas deferens输尿管狭窄: stenosis of ureter; stricture of ureter; ureterostegnosis; ureterostenosis涎管狭窄: sialostenosis胸椎管狭窄: thoracic spinal stenosis血管狭窄: angiostegnosis; angiostenosis; hemadostenosis咽鼓管狭窄: eustachian tube stenosis; salpingostenochoria; stenosis of eustachian tube; stricture of eustachian tube; strictureofeustachiantube胰管狭窄: stricture of pancreatic duct; strictureofpancreaticduct支气管狭窄: bronchial stenosis; bronchiarctia; bronchiostenosis; bronchostenosis