- that tears are replacements
- 泪: tear; teardrop
- 不止: more than; exceed; not limit ...
- 血流不止: blood stream down.; the flow of blood could not be staunched
- 不塞不流不止不行: there is no flowing without damming and no motion without rest
- 不止: 1.(超出某个范围) more than; exceed; not limited to 不止一次 more than once; many a time; many times; 他恐怕不止六十岁了。 he is probably over sixty. 这水库给村民们带来的好处不止是在农业方面。 the benefit which the reservoir brings to the villagers is not limited to agriculture.2.(继续不停) incessantly; without end 不止不行。 there is no motion without rest. 树欲静而风不止。 the tree craves calm but the wind will not drop