

发音:   用"波导传播"造句


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  1. Scaling rules for slab waveguides with power law nonlinear cladding
  2. Method of ricatti transformation for analyzing propagation characteristics of planar waveguides
  3. This occurs when we get a rapid increase of temperature and a rapid decrease in humidity ( dew - point ) with height
  4. Evaporation ducts , or tropospheric ducts in general , can guide radio waves to distances far beyond the horizon with less attenuation , and then severely impair some certain radio wave system


        波导:    waveguide; duct
        传播:    disseminate; propagate; spre ...
        大气波导传播距离:    ducting distance
        波导传输:    guided transmission
        波导传输线:    waveguide transmission line
        光波导传输:    lightguide transmission
        波导传输系统:    waveguide transmission system
        波导传输主模:    dominant wave guide transmission mode; dominant waveguide transmission mode
        光学波导传输:    optical waveguide transmission
        波导型传播:    duct propagation
        波导:    [物理学] (用在微波波段传输电磁波的装置) waveguide; duct 光波导 optical waveguide; 微波波导 microwave waveguide; 波导变换[量]器 waveguide transformer
        传导传热:    conduction heat transfer; conductive heat transfer; heat transfer by conduction; heat transmission by conductivity
        电导传感器:    conductivity sensor
        骨导传感器:    bone conduction tra ducer; bone conduction transducer
        气导传声器:    air comcluction microphone; air conduction microphone
        引导传爆药:    booster lead
        制导传感器:    guidanuce sensor
        传播:    1.(广泛散布) disseminate; propagate; spread; (over); diffuse; transmit; run 传播马克思列宁主义 propagate [disseminate] marxism-leninism; 传播知识 spread knowledge; 制止病菌传播 check the spread of germs; 动植物病害传播极快。 animal and vegetable pests propagate with extreme rapidity. 疟蚊传播疟疾。 anopheles mosquitos transmit malaria. 消息象野火般迅速传播开来。 the news spread like wild-fire. 印刷术的发明有助于知识的传播。 the invention of printing helped the diffusion of learning.2.[物理学] propagation; transmission; transmitting; travel 散射传播 scatter propagation; 直线传播 rectilinear propagation
        编辑引导传输:    edit-directed transmission
        径向热导传热:    radial conductive heat transfer
        热传导传热性:    heat conduction
        波导;波导管:    waveguide
        波导管,波导器:    wg
        t形波导:    hybrid t; hybrid-t; waveguide tee
        闭波导:    closed waveguide


  1. "波导测定计"英文
  2. "波导测辐射器组合"英文
  3. "波导测辐射热计"英文
  4. "波导测辐射热器-耦合器组合"英文
  5. "波导长度"英文
  6. "波导传输"英文
  7. "波导传输系统"英文
  8. "波导传输线"英文
  9. "波导传输主模"英文
  10. "波导窗孔"英文


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