Scaling rules for slab waveguides with power law nonlinear cladding 幂次率非线性包层平板波导传播特性的无量纲表示
Method of ricatti transformation for analyzing propagation characteristics of planar waveguides 用黎卡提变换法分析平板波导传播特性
This occurs when we get a rapid increase of temperature and a rapid decrease in humidity ( dew - point ) with height 在此基础之上,介绍了波导传播的波长(频率)范围和最小发射角。
Evaporation ducts , or tropospheric ducts in general , can guide radio waves to distances far beyond the horizon with less attenuation , and then severely impair some certain radio wave system 以蒸发波导为代表的对流层大气波导传播,可使电波在较小的衰减下沿波导传播得很远,从而严重影响合适的无线电系统。