波: wave令: order; command; decree暖: warm; genial期: designated time暖期: warm period增暖期: warm-up period波令温泉: poring hot spring冰后温暖期: hypsithermal采暖期间: heating period采暖期天数: days of heating period新温暖期: neothermal采暖期度日数: degree-days of heating period; number of degree-day of heating period雅雷洛温暖期: allerd period中世纪温暖期: medieval warm epoch采暖期室外平均温度: outdoor mean air temperature during heating period在采暖期起止日之间: outdoor mean air temperature during heating period波灵敏度: wave sensitivity波留: haru波灵: pawling; pring波留夫: haruo波龄: wave age波留宁: polunin波鳞: flow mark波流: ttw; wave current; wave drift current; wave-current波林斯基尔河: paulins kill river