Attractive lightweights : root and foam corals :根珊瑚和泡沫珊瑚
They are sometimes confused with the foam coral 但有时易与泡沫珊瑚混淆。而泡沫珊瑚其实是日本
It is heavier than the root coral and somewhat more expensive 中国和日本是根珊瑚和泡沫珊瑚的主要生产地。
Root or foam corals are lighter and more reasonably priced than precious coral 根珊瑚和泡沫珊瑚是比优质珊瑚还来得轻且平价的。
The latter are those parts of the japanese momo coral which remain fixed in the sand or mud and form the transition from the foot of the coral to the main part of the growth 珊瑚的一部份,借于珊瑚脚与珊瑚茎之间,他们是被深埋于沙石或泥土里。泡沫珊瑚已在市场上流通许久,其重量与价格也都较高于根珊瑚。