In this paper , the sufficient conditions are obtained for the oscillation of all solutions of certain second order nonlinadr equations with continuously distributed delay 摘要考虑一类二阶中立型泛函数分方程,获得了方程的所有解振动的充分条件。
After a minimal primer on functional differentiation , we obtain the general form of the regularized solution as a weighted sum of kernel functions centered at the data points 我们会利用这理论来获得正规化解法的一般形式,例如,如何于泛函数微分之后取得数据中核心函式的加权和。
This paper studies the systems of nonlinear neutral parabolic partial functional differential equations with continuous distributed deviating arguments , sufficient conditions are obtained for the forced oscillation of solutions of the systems 摘要研究具有连续分布偏差变元的非线性中立型抛物偏泛函数分方程系统,获得了系统解的强迫振动的充分条件。