法: law正: the first month of the lunar ...级: level; rank; grade配置: dispose; deploy; allocation; ...法正龄级配置: normal age-class arrangement法正林分配置: normal distribution of stand单级配置: one-stage configuration多级配置: staging arrangement法正: fa zheng; fz高级配置电源接口: acpi喷咀的分级配置: injector staging正级的: anodal高级配置和电源管理界面: acpi advanced configuration and power interface高级配置和电源接口: advanced configuration and power interface, acpi高级配置与电源接口: acpi级配: gradation grading; gradation composition; grade; graduation; particle distribution limit; particle limit法正林: balanced forest; ideal forest; model forest; normal forest配置: dispose (troops, etc.); deploy; allocation; collocation; configuration; positioning; allotment 配置兵力 dispose forces; 纵深配置 disposition in depth; 配置两个营的兵力进攻空军基地。 two battalions were disposed for an attack on the air base乘法正泛函: multiplicatively positive functional乘法正性: multiplicative positivity法正伐期龄: normal final age法正获量: normal yield法正林分: normal stand法正龄级: normal age-class法正年伐量: normal annual yield