

发音:   用"法定担保"造句


  1. It thinks that the priority right has the nature of pledge real right . it is a part of pledge real right
  2. Priority , in a narrow sense , is the precedent right in compensation that the claimants of certain special financial claims enjoy on the part or all of the debtor ' s property , which includes the general priority and special priority
  3. Chapter ii makes analysis on properties of lien on marine goods under article 87 of maritime code , based on examples of legislation on lien in various countries . the author holds that there are two properties of lien : one is lien exercised by the carrier when the freight , contribution in general average and other necessary charges which are the other party ' s obligation to be paid to the carrier are not paid . it is a real right lien , which is a legal real right for security
  4. Under the circumstances of reviewing definition of privilege , i put forward the definition of privilege from the point of view of legal law real right for security , analyze the foundation of privilege mechanism and legislation , explore some issues of legal property of privilege with great disputation and review the privilege origin and its evolution in overseas legal mechanism


        法定:    legal; statutory
        担保:    warrant; guarantee; go bail ...
        法定或法院指定担保:    legal or judicial security
        固定担保金:    dead securities
        固定担保器:    dead securities
        肯定担保:    affirmative warranty
        法定:    legal; statutory◇法定安培 legal ampere; 法定贬值 official devaluation; 法定标准 statutory standards; 法定并入 statutory merger; 法定捕渔区 obligate fishing area; 法定测量器具 legal measuring instrument; 法定程序 legal procedures; statutory procedures; 法定代理人 statutory agent; legal representative; 法定担保 statutory guarantee; 法定地址 legal address; 法定多数 required [statutory] majority; 法定分保 legal cessions; 法定伏特 legal volt; 法定公债 bonds authorized; 法定股本 authorized stock; 法定规则 prescriptive rules; 法定含金量 official gold content; legal gold content; official stipulation on the gold content; legally prescribed gold content; 法定荷载 [建筑] statutory loading; 法定汇价 official quotation; official exchange rate; 法定汇率 legal [official] exchange rate; pegged rate of exchange; pegged exchange parity; official rate of exchange; 法定汇兑平价 official par of exchange; 法定货币 flat money; legal tender; 法定继承 intestate succession; 法定继承人 heir at law; 法定继承权 forced heirship; 法定计量单位 legal unit of measurement; 法定加薪 statutory salary increase; 法定假期 official holiday; 法定假日 legal holiday; 法定价格 official price; official fixed price; 法定价格[价值]标准 legal standard of value; 法定监护人 statutory guardian; 法定考试 statutory examination; 法定检查[审计] statutory audit; 法定时效 statutory limitation; 法定利率 state rate; 法定利息 legal interest; 法定轮载 legal wheel load; 法定年龄 lawful age; legal age; 法定皮重 legal tare; 法定平价 mint par of exchange; mint parity; 法定期限 legal time limit; statutory period; 法定时 legal time; 法定时间 legal limits of time; 法定时速 legal speed limit; 法定税率 national tariff; statutory tariff; 法定贴现率 official discount rate; 法定信托证券 authorized depository; 法定休假日 legal holiday; 法定压力 authorized pressure; 法定延误期间 legal delay; 法定已获盈余准备金 legal earned surplus reserve; 法定药 officinal; 法定英里 land mile (=1,609米); statute mile; 法定预算 legal budget; approved budget; 法定责任 statutory duty; 法定责任范围 legal limitation of liability; 法定折扣率 official discount rate; 法定支付期 legal term; term time; 法定准备率 legal reserve ratio; 法定资本 authorized capital; declared capital; 法定最低资本额 minimal capital required by law
        法定的或法院判决指定的担保:    legal or judicial security
        担保:    warrant; guarantee; go bail for; vouch for; ensure; assure; assurance; bail; surety 出口信贷担保 export credit guarantees; 我担保她能做好这项工作。 i assure you that she can be trusted to do the job
        担保;担保品:    security
        法定病:    certifiable disease
        法定的:    certifiable; de jure; legal; official; statutable; statute; statutory
        法定价:    mint price
        法定哩:    statute mile
        法定率:    legal ratio
        法定盲:    legal blindness
        法定名:    official name
        法定年:    a legal year
        法定权:    legal rights; legitimate power
        法定日:    legal day
        法定时:    legal hour; legal time
        法定式:    legal charge
        法定寺:    hojoji
        法定刑:    legally-prescribed punishment
        法定药:    official remedy; official sample; officinal remedy


  1. "法定代表人"英文
  2. "法定代理"英文
  3. "法定代理权"英文
  4. "法定代理人"英文
  5. "法定贷款限额"英文
  6. "法定单位"英文
  7. "法定单证"英文
  8. "法定的"英文
  9. "法定的,经审定的"英文
  10. "法定的,正式的"英文


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