This article , from the viewpoint of corporatism , makes a comparative study of the characteristics of corporatism and the chinese actualities and reveals the discrepancies between the rise of corporatism and china ' s status quo 本文从法团主义的视角出发,立足于中国的现实,对比法团主义的特征,揭示了中国现状与法团主义发展背景的差异。
As one of the new western theoretical modes introduced to explain the nation - society relationship , corporatism has become a mode fit for the present nation - society relationship in china and highly valued in the academe , for it goes beyond concepts of nation - society separation as proposed by nationalism and increases the power of the two sides 摘要法团主义作为一种由西方引人的新型的对国家与社会关系理论的解释模型,以其实现国家与社会相互增权的主张,形成了对国家主义、多元主义等主张国家与社会二元分立模型的超越,是当前我国学术界呼声较高的适应于中国现状的国家与社会的关系模型。
法: law团: dumpling主义: doctrine; -ism工团主义: syndicalism (国际工人运动中一种机会主义思潮, 20世纪初在法、意等国出现)◇工团主义者 labour syndicalist工团主义者: syndicalist; trade unionist社团主义: corporatism社团主义的: corporatist社团主义者: corporatist小集团主义: cliquism给合主义社团主义: corporativism无政府工团主义: anarcho-syndicalism法团: body corporate; corporation公司;法团: corporation马戏团主棚: big top陪审团主席: foreman of jury团主席韦乐: loek de vries主席团主席: president of presidential council; president of the presidency议会党团主席: president of parliamentary goup保证法团: guarantee corporation并非法团的: unincorporated财政司法团: financial secretary incorporated持牌法团: licensed corporation等同法团: equivalent corporation法团;法人团体: body corporate法团的签名: corporate signature