法例: legal statutes的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...释义: explain the meaning clear up ...法例的释疑: construction of laws音乐的释义: interpretation of the music中的释义是: concerning a town city etc. under its own government还没有便宜货的释义: it's a steal这部词典里的释义简明扼要: the explanation in this dictionary is concise and to the point释义: construction; definition; interpretation; tarjoman法例: law; legislation(违反该条法例的)最高判罚为入狱三年: carries a maximum sentence of three year‘s imprisonmentbhk释义: bhk interpretation; brouwer-heyting-kolmogorov interpretation定义,释义: definition将…释义: restate reword法典,法例: law code法规,法例: a law立法例: instance of legislation簿的释放: release of viruses氮的释放: nitrogen release钾的释放: potassium liberation; potassium release镍的释放度: nickel release少女的释怀: without her比例的: logistic; proportional; ratable常例的: customary; regular; regulation范例的: exemplificative