沿着: along马路: road; street; avenue; highwa ...跑: 800米 run the 800-metre dash沿着马路走: walk along the road沿着另外的路跑: run the other way沿着: along 一片白帆沿着天边移动。 a white sail moves along the horizon路跑者: roadrunner马路: road; street; avenue; highway 交通繁忙的马路 a busy road; 柏油马路 an asphalt street; 混凝土马路 a concrete street; 穿马路前要看清来往车辆。 look about you before crossing the street.; 马路画师 screever; pavement artist; sidewalk artist; 马路消息 hearsay骑着马, 执政, 掌权: be in the saddle骑着马跳越: lark占着马槽: honey i forget to duck沿着岸: alongshore沿着边: alongside沿着路: along the road沿着走: skirt穿马路: chuā vestir vestirse; cross the road大马路: avenue; toad thoroughfare公路,马路: road逛马路: berjalan-jalan过马路: cross the road; go across the street; menyeberangi jalan街道,马路: street马路,公路: road马路;街: avenue (thoroughfare)马路村: umaji, kōchi马路桥: maluqiao