Water shutoff agent dsz - a is composed of inorganic particle . its specialities are low cost , easily flow , high strength and long valid period . the agent suits non - selective water shutoff in sand formation . dsz - a not only can plug high water - bearing formation , but also can plug case leakage . dsz - a has been applied on site and gotten good effect . it is a agent which has wide prospect 随着油田勘探开发事业的发展,越来越多的新技术被应用于油田的作业领域.和传统的挤水泥方法相比,利用水泥承载器用循环法挤水泥封窜作业,不仅操作简单,而且可以保护油层,减少油层损害,同时降低作业成本、缩短作业时间
The in - house system evaluation and field application showed that an excellent oil film for shielding temporary plugging could be formed near borehole wall and both plugging and recovering rates of permeability reached more than 90 % when the added amount of the broad spectrum oil film temporary plugging agent gpj reached 3 % ; skin factor decreased by 7 . 4 to 10 times and production increased by 1 . 82 to 2 . 96 times compared with conventional technology 结果表明,当广谱“油膜”暂堵剂gpj的加量达到3 %时,可在近井壁处形成很好的屏蔽暂堵“油膜”带,渗透率堵塞率和恢复率皆大于90 % ,与常规屏蔽暂堵技术相比,可使油层损害程度降低7 . 4 ~ 10倍,产量提高1 . 82 ~ 2 . 96倍,而且与油层渗透率和温度无关。