From mid 90s , the government began a number of large - scale river training projects in stages to alleviate the flooding problem in the north district 为了纾缓新界北区的水浸问题,政府从九十年代中开始,展开大型的治理河道工程。
Following studies of resettlement as a result of river route project , this paper focuses on resettlement practice and its features 本论文的研究来源于河道工程移民安置的实践,且许多成果是河道工程移民安置实践的总结,论文理论联系实际。
An eia study is required before a major channelisation project can be carried out . the advice of epd and afcd will also be sought on environmental and ecological matters respectively 在进行所有大型河道工程前,均须进行环境影响评估,环保署及渔护署分别会就环境及生态事宜提供意见。
Ancillary works including earthworks , construction of embankments , footpaths , drainage and river training works , slope works , landscaping works , construction of retaining walls , and the erection of noise barriers 进行附属工程包括土方工程行人路建筑路堤渠务及改善河道工程斜坡工程环境美化工程建筑护土墙,以及设置隔音屏障。
The new contractor successfully completed the critical river channel works to provide a flow capacity of 1 in 10 year before the wet season of 2002 , which reduced the flooding risk in the areas alongside the upper river indus , he added 他说,结果新承建商赶及在二二年雨季来临前完成关键河道工程,提供接近十年一遇的排洪能力,减低河道两旁村落受水浸的威胁。