

发音:   "河清海晏"的汉语解释   用"河清海晏"造句
  • (形容天下太平) the yellow river is clear and the seas are calm. - - perfect tranquility under heaven; a peaceful time [era]; piping times of peace; the world is at peace.; time of peace and prosperity
  • 海晏河清:    (比喻天下太平) when the sea is quiet and the river clear - - piping times of peace; peace and tranquility under heaven [throughout the world]; time of peace and calm; when the huanghe river is clean and the sea calms down
  • 海晏:    haiyan
  • 清海:    kiyomi; kiyoumi; seikai
  • 河清:    ha thanh
  • 管海晏:    guan haiyan


        海晏河清:    (比喻天下太平) when the sea is quiet and the river clear - - piping times of peace; peace and tranquility under heaven [throughout the world]; time of peace and calm; when the huanghe river is clean and the sea calms down
        海晏:    haiyan
        清海:    kiyomi; kiyoumi; seikai
        河清:    ha thanh
        管海晏:    guan haiyan
        海晏堂:    hall of national peace
        海晏县:    haiyan
        黎清海:    le thanh hai
        王清海:    qinghai wang
        许清海:    qing-hai xu
        黄河清:    he-qing huang
        苏河清:    heqing su; su heqing
        延河清:    yeon ha cheong; yeon ha-cheong
        张河清:    he-qing zhang
        清海无上师:    ching hai
        河清难挨:    it is hard to wait till the yellow river is clear. - - the time would be too long to wait for sth. to happen.; it takes too long to wait, and life is short
        笑比河清:    to make one smile is as difficult as to purify the river
        者 姚河清:    he-qing yao
        河情记录:    river records
        河秦:    kawahata
        河情预报:    river forcasting
        河桥驿:    heqiaoyi
        河区:    river reach
        河桥:    heqiao; kawabashi; kawahashi
        河曲:    bend (of a river); meander
        河崎一郎:    kawasaki ichiro; kawasaki, ichiro


        河清海晏的韩语:【성어】 황하가 맑고 바다가 잔잔하다; 태평성대다. 태평세월이다. =[海晏河清]
        河清海晏的俄语:реки прозрачны, моря спокойны (обр. в знач.:
        河清海晏什么意思:hé qīng hǎi yàn 【解释】黄河水清了,大海没有浪了。比喻天下太平。 【出处】唐·郑锡《日中有王子赋》:“河清海晏,时和岁丰。” 【示例】诚所谓~,太平之世界也。(明·吴承恩《西游记》第九十回) 【拼音码】hqhy 【用法】联合式;作宾语、定语;比喻天下太平


  1. "河崎一郎"英文
  2. "河桥"英文
  3. "河桥驿"英文
  4. "河秦"英文
  5. "河清"英文
  6. "河清难挨"英文
  7. "河情记录"英文
  8. "河情预报"英文
  9. "河区"英文
  10. "河曲"英文


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