

  • fluviomarine
  • :    river
  • 沉积:    deposit; sedimentation; depo ...
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • 河海沉积:    fluvial-marine sediment; fluvio marine deposit; fluviomarinedeposit
  • 河海沉积物:    fluvio-marine deposits


        :    river
        沉积:    deposit; sedimentation; depo ...
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        河海沉积:    fluvial-marine sediment; fluvio marine deposit; fluviomarinedeposit
        河海沉积物:    fluvio-marine deposits
        远洋深海沉积的:    pelagic abyssal; pelagic-abyssal
        河海堆积的:    fluviomarine
        沉积的:    depositional; eluvial; laid down; pent-up; sedimentary; settled; water-laid
        半深海沉积:    bathyal deposit; moderate deposit; moderate sea deposit; moderate sea doposit
        闭流海沉积:    euxinic deposit
        滨海沉积:    littoral deposit; shore deposit
        滨海沉积物:    littoral sediment
        次深海沉积:    bathyal deposit; bathyaldeposit
        近海沉积:    hemipelagic deposit; offshore deposit; offshore sediment; paralic deposit
        静海沉积:    euxinic deposition
        陆表海沉积:    epicontinental deposit
        陆海沉积:    oligomictic sediment; oligomitic sediment
        浅海沉积:    neritic deposit; neritic sediments; neriticsediments; shallow sea deposit; shallow-sea deposit; shallowseadeposit
        浅海沉积物:    ahallowwater sediment; neritic deposits; neritic sediment; shallow marine deposit, neritic deposit
        深海沉积:    abysmal deposit; abyssal deposit; abyssal sediment; dee eadeposit; deep sea deposits; deepsea deposit; pelagic deposits; pelagic sediments; pelagic(enpelagic)deposit
        深海沉积物:    abysmal deposits; abyssal deposits; abyssal sediments; bathyal sediment; deep sea deposit; deep sea sediment; deep-sea deposits; deep-sea sediments; deepocean sediments; deepwater sediment; pelagic deposit
        线海沉积物:    neritic sediment
        沿海沉积:    strand deposit
        远海沉积物:    pelagic sediments
        滞海沉积:    euxinic deposition


  1. "河海"英文
  2. "河海冰冻学"英文
  3. "河海不择细流"英文
  4. "河海测量"英文
  5. "河海沉积"英文
  6. "河海沉积物"英文
  7. "河海成的"英文
  8. "河海大学"英文
  9. "河海大学常州分校学报"英文
  10. "河海大学学报"英文


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