Many artists shared their views on wu tzu poems and also revealed their love and fond feelings for the works through poetry recitations in chinese or minnanese 无子诗座谈会汇聚了府城艺文人士,他们发表对无子诗的看法,并以中文或河洛语吟唱来表达对无子诗的喜爱与感动!
河: river洛: short for Luoyang a surname语: tell; inform摩洛语: moro河洛人: hoklo people摩洛族, 摩洛语: moro他加洛语: tagalog language塔加洛语: tagalog language滨河洛拉: lora del rio和洛石、河洛石: halloysite河洛烧写器: hi-lo hi-lo programmerrammer二手河洛编程器: hi-lo all-11卢日尼采河洛姆尼采: lomnic nad luznici河玛瑙: river agate河马: hippopotamus amphibius; hippo; river horse河马池: hippopotames mare aux; mare aux hippopotames河落海干: not leave a bit河马大冒险: moomins adventure河轮最高甲板: texas deck河马动画设计有限公司: sjs河轮: kawawa