The trees impending over it had flung down great branches , from time to time , which choked up the current , and compelled it to form eddies and black depths at some points ; while , in 悬在溪上的树木常年来投下的大树枝,阻逼了溪流,在一些地方形成了漩涡和深潭而在溪水畅通流得欢快的地段,则露出河底的石子和闪光的褐砂。
First , the system builds the model of the bank and bottom of river , according to the river ’ s information and the information of the scene on the two side of the river . second , i read and preprocess the model file data and implement the organization and encapsulation about the space data of the virtual river . in the end , adopting to use these rending technology , such as show list , priority texture , and level of detail , i realize the real - time and vivid showing of the three dimension river ’ s virtual scene and provide abundant ways of people ’ s interacting with the virtual scene , on base of sufficiently making use of the memory of vision card and the cpu of the computer 它主要融合虚拟现实技术、三维数据可视化技术、面向对象的设计和编程技术,在vc + +平台上,利用opengl三维图形开发库,以真实的城市河道现状信息和周边景物信息为依据,对河道、河底的三维空间数据进行三维几何建模;然后通过读取和预处理模型文件数据,实现虚拟场景空间数据的组织和封装操作,并对空间数据进行优化;最后采用显示列表、纹理优先级、细节层级模型( lod )等渲染技术,利用opengl的渲染特性,在充分发挥显卡内存、处理器等各种软硬件资源的基础上,实现三维河流实时逼真的真实感虚拟场景显示,并提供丰富的人机交互手段。
I had often stood on the banks of the concord , watching the lapse of the current , an emblem of all progress , following the same law with the system , with time , and all that is made ; the weeds at the bottom gently bending down the stream , shaken by the watery wind , still planted where their seeds had sunk , but erelong to die and go down likewise ; the shining pebbles , not yet anxious to better their condition , the chips and weeds , and occasional logs and stems of trees that floated past , fulfilling their fate , were objects of singular interest to me , and at last i resolved to launch myself on its bosom and float whither it would bear me 我常站在康科德河的岸边,望着逝去的流水- - -它是一切过程的象征,和宇宙,和时间及一切造物受同一法则的支配;那河底的水草随着水流轻柔地弯曲,仿佛受到水底清风的吹拂,此刻还在水底扎根,但不久后就会凋零并随波涛逝去;那闪亮的鹅卵石- - -它们还不急着寻找更好的去处,那砂石碎屑、藤蔓野草,和那偶尔从水面漂过、奔向命运尽头的圆木、树干,都使我产生了极大的兴趣,我最终决定泛舟于康科德河的胸膛之上,随它将我载去任何地方。
河底: river bottom的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...河底的沙坡: megaripple河底: river bottom◇河底土壤 river bottom soil底的: basal河底河: hedi he河底性: bentho-potamous底的, 基底的: fundal; fundic不平整河底: irregular bottom河底保护: river bottom protection河底比降: bottom grade河底波痕: bottom ripple河底沉积: river bottom sediment河底冲刷: bed scour河底地形: bottom contour河底高程: river bed elevation河底高和: bed level河底滚沙: saltation河底环流: circulating bottom current河底回溜: bottom roller河底控制: river bottom control河底泥沙: debris bed load河底坡度: bed slope河底潜坝: low-level groin; low-level groyne河底潜堤: bed groyne; submerged groin