没有: not have; there is not; be w ...解决: solve; resolve; settle的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...还没有解决的: unfathomed没有解决的问题: an outstanding issue没有解决不了的大问题: no business too small no problem too big有些问题仍旧没有解决: some problems remain to be solved没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题: no business too small, no problem too big不可解决的: unsolvable不能解决的: indeterminable; inextricable; insoluble; insolvable; irresoluble; irresolvable; unsolvable解决的方法: solution可解决的: resolubleresolvable; solvable可以解决的: soluble; solvable难解决的: knotty; scabrous; tough难以解决的: insoluble庭外解决的: extracurial未解决的: outstanding; unresolvedunsolved; unsolved问题解决的: problem-solving无法解决的: inextricable难解决的问题: knotty problem事情会解决的: (things will) work out未解决的赔款: outstanding claims未解决的请求: outstanding request未解决的损失: outstanding loan未解决的问题: an open question; unsolved problem