没有: not have; there is not; be w ...每日: everyday将: ask; appeal for款项: a sum of money; fund section ...送: deliver; carry存: exist; live; survive银行: bank或: nǎi-.仅: nearly; close to存入: deposit部分: part; section; portion作为先付的部分款项: on account as a payment in advance of a larger one款项: 1.(为某种用途而储存或支出的钱) a sum of money; fund2.(条文的项目) section of an article in a legal document, etc欠银行款项: owing to bank欠银行的款项: owing to bank存放中央银行款项: deposits and required reserve in central bank已付部分款: ptly pd partly paid存银行现金: cash in bank; cash in deposit; cash on deposit动用(款项): diinto无款项: no terms走款项: the moneys gone存放本港银行同业的款项: amount due from local banks存放海外银行同业的款项: amount due from banks abroad存放银行同业的款项: amount due from banks款项净额结算每日平均效率: daily average funds netting efficiency