没有: not have; there is not; be w ...感情: emotion; feeling; sentiment表情: expression; countenance; loo ...没有感情的: feelingless没有感情的时刻: without the feeling对…有感情: be attached to有感情的: affectionate; sentient在这个充满谎言的世界没有感情可言: no emotions in this world full of lies非常有感情的: sentimental有感情的结婚: get married没有感知的: without sense or purpose没有表情: no expression no expression没有表情的: expressionless注意声调要有感情: watch your emotional tone假装没有感觉: pretending to feel the same没有感觉在爱: aint no sense in love脸部没有表情: deadpan我从来没有感受过: i never felt每个人心里都有感情: everyone has feelings on the inside富有表情地,感情丰富地: espressivo有感: m-thoughts我从来没有感到他们: ciaa我的心已麻木, 没有感觉: my heart is numb has no feeling,带有感情色彩的称谓或诨名或感叹词: appellation epithet interjection onomatopoeia他的朗颂抑扬顿挫富有感情: his recitation was cadenced and rich in feeling