But even among people with no religious affiliation , well more than half said angels are for real 即便是没有宗教信仰的人,也有一半以上相信天使是真实的。
Habits are peculiar things . they will drive the really non - religious mind out of bed to say prayers that are only a custom and not a devotion 习惯真是样怪东西,它能驱使一个没有宗教信仰的人从床上爬起来做祷告,这种祷告完全是习惯使然,而非宗教热忱。
没有: not have; there is not; be w ...宗教信仰: religious belief的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...没有宗教信仰的人;异教徒: pagan各种肤色和各种宗教信仰的人: people of all colours and creeds ie of all sorts没有信仰的人: nonbeliever; nothingarian多宗教信仰: culte multiconfessionnel宗教信仰: religion and ideology; religions belief; religious beliefs; religious faith宗教信仰者: religious believer也没有宗教: no religion too无信仰的人: nonbeliever妨害宗教信仰: disturbance of of public worship使改宗教信仰: proselyte无宗教信仰者: nullifidian; pagan宗教信仰学系: department of science of religion and missiology想像没有宗教: and no religion too改变信仰的人: convert; kcnv:t kbnv改变宗教信仰者: proselytizer坚定的宗教信仰: a strong faith精神或宗教信仰: spiritual or religious belief世界宗教信仰会议: world congress of faiths他祖先的宗教信仰: the religion of his forefathers也没有宗教之分: and no religion too恢复原信仰的人: revert