没有: not have; there is not; be w ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...在乎: care about; mind; take to he ...没有人在这: there’s no one here没有人关心,没有人在那里: no one cares, no one's there没有人在你背后桶你一刀: and no one ever stabbed you in the back但是这里没有希望,没有人在这里: - but there is no hope and no-one is there因为没有人在这里,这里什么也没有: since no- one is there and there is nothing to say; since no-one is there and there is nothing to say .大有人在: there are plenty of people who ....; such people are by no means rare.; there are plenty of such people.; there are quite a few persons who ...还有人在捧: very ache有人在家吗: is there anybody in remain a layman有人在看我: somebody’swatching me有人在吗: is there anybody out there有人在敲门: somebody's knocking at the door. i'll answer it当我呼唤你的名字的时候没有人在那里: and nights are cold girl without ur flame好像是没有人在近处一样地唱着歌: singing as if nobody were near没有人: and no other could give more love; br /37.nobody; no one; nobady; sars edition有人在按门铃: someone is ringing the bell有人在看着我: somebody’s watching me有人在敲窗子: somebody is knocking on the window有人在用电话: someone is using the phone有人在这里吧: is there anybody there没有人爱你: nobody loves you没有人帮他: nobody helps him没有人不: there is no one but