没: sink; submerge别的: other东西: thing别的东西: another; anything else; other things; something else; somethingelse没别的: nothing else还有别的东西: something else没别的路: we are gonna run, nothing can stous不能识别的东西: with little creature应该还有别的东西: something else问顾客是否还要别的东西: asking a customer whether he (or she) wants anything else; asking a customer whether he wants anything else我们正在让某个特别的东西溜走: and we were letting go of something special在离我家远处有些别的东西: there's something out there far from my homex形的东西: ex昂贵的东西: high line百数的东西: hundred包含的东西: implicate卑鄙的东西: what a despicable creature卑鄙的东西!: What a despicable creature!被扎的东西: tie-up笔直的东西: upright必需的东西: requisite不同的东西: something different掺假的东西: adulteration超出的东西: more陈腐的东西: cobweb