沙: sand蒂: the base of a flower or frui ...麦: a general term for wheat,bar ...恩: kindness; favour; grace沙蒂: sathy; saty麦恩堡: fort wayne麦恩斯: natalie maines罗内蒂麦基: lonette mckee布沙蒂: bushati内沙蒂: nesati; neshati沙蒂尔: shathir沙蒂福: chatufaud沙蒂纽: chatignoux沙蒂奇: satic沙蒂永: chastillon; chatillon沙蒂泽: chatizer沙沙蒂: chachaty麦恩串格层: maentwrog beds麦恩杜斯: martin mcintosh娜塔丽麦恩斯: natalie maines哈蒂麦克达尼尔: hattie mcdaniel奥姆沙蒂: omusati代沙蒂山: deshatit mal i; mal i deshatit恩卡沙蒂: nkashati沙蒂利耶: chatiliez