沙漠: desert; areg; koum; thar; er ...里: in; inside的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...战斗: fight; battle; combat; actio ...沙漠里的食谱: desert diets就像沙漠里的星期: like a week in the desert沙漠里: in the desert撒哈拉沙漠里的三个罪犯: three criminals in the sahara沙漠里的西蒙布努埃尔: luis bunuel荒漠里的恶魔: demons in the desert沙漠里变白的兽骨: bones of animals bleaching in the desert北方的战斗: northern skirmish公开的战斗: war, open fighting激烈的战斗: a fierce battle; fierce fight难忘的战斗: unforgettable battle失败的战斗: the losing battles天使的战斗: battle of angels伟大的战斗: grand combat le; le grand combat我的战斗机: ore no sentouki英勇的战斗。: homeric battle在沙漠里,感受到一种警告声: in the desert, so take a warning sound天堂里的战争: battle in heaven打到底的战斗: a finish fight军队的战斗力: the effective strength of the army山谷中的战斗: the blazing sun