- hesitate; be irresolute; be undecided
- 沉吟: mutter to oneself; meditate; ...
- 未决: unsettled; outstanding
- 沉吟: (沉思吟味, 含默默探索研究之意, 引伸为犹疑) mutter to oneself; meditate (in silence); unable to make up one's mind
- 未决: unsettled; outstanding 悬而未决的问题 an outstanding issue; an open question; a pending question; 由谁校订未决。 it is not yet decided who will edit it.; 未决赔款 outstanding losses; losses outstanding; outstanding claims; 未决赔款准备金 reserve for outstanding losses; outstanding loss reserve; 未决犯 prisoner awaiting trial; culprit; unconvicted prisoner
- 沉吟半晌: think for some time; meditate in perfect silence for a while; think for a long while