

发音:   "沉吟未决"的汉语解释   用"沉吟未决"造句
  • hesitate; be irresolute; be undecided
  • 沉吟:    mutter to oneself; meditate; ...
  • 未决:    unsettled; outstanding
  • 沉吟:    (沉思吟味, 含默默探索研究之意, 引伸为犹疑) mutter to oneself; meditate (in silence); unable to make up one's mind
  • 未决:    unsettled; outstanding 悬而未决的问题 an outstanding issue; an open question; a pending question; 由谁校订未决。 it is not yet decided who will edit it.; 未决赔款 outstanding losses; losses outstanding; outstanding claims; 未决赔款准备金 reserve for outstanding losses; outstanding loss reserve; 未决犯 prisoner awaiting trial; culprit; unconvicted prisoner
  • 沉吟半晌:    think for some time; meditate in perfect silence for a while; think for a long while


        沉吟:    mutter to oneself; meditate; ...
        未决:    unsettled; outstanding
        沉吟:    (沉思吟味, 含默默探索研究之意, 引伸为犹疑) mutter to oneself; meditate (in silence); unable to make up one's mind
        未决:    unsettled; outstanding 悬而未决的问题 an outstanding issue; an open question; a pending question; 由谁校订未决。 it is not yet decided who will edit it.; 未决赔款 outstanding losses; losses outstanding; outstanding claims; 未决赔款准备金 reserve for outstanding losses; outstanding loss reserve; 未决犯 prisoner awaiting trial; culprit; unconvicted prisoner
        沉吟半晌:    think for some time; meditate in perfect silence for a while; think for a long while
        沉吟不决:    hesitate to do [doing] sth.; hesitate to act or choose one's course; inability to make up one's mind
        沉吟良久:    think for a long time
        未决的:    doubtful; moot; outstanding; pending; undecided
        未决定:    pending; suspensively
        未决犯:    prisoner awaiting trialculpritunconvicted prisoner
        悬而未决, 停而未决:    remain in suspense
        报文未决:    message pending
        候审犯, 未决犯:    prisoner awaiting trial
        去留未决:    dismiss or return is not yet decided.; go or stay is yet to be decided
        仍未决定:    hang in the balance
        尚未决定:    hold in the balance
        未决程序:    proceedings pending
        未决的, 待决的:    pendens
        未决的诉讼:    lispendens
        未决的问题:    unsettled question
        未决定。如::    up in the air
        未决定,悬搁着:    hand in the air
        未决定的:    debatable; pending; suspensive; undecided; unsettled
        未决定地:    suspensively
        未决定系数:    coefficient of nondetermination


        沉吟未决什么意思:chén yīn wèi jué 【解释】沉吟:深思吟味,引伸为犹豫;决:决断。形容人遇到难题时,自言自语地不能决断 【出处】三国·魏·曹操《秋胡行》:“沉吟不决,遂上升天。” 【示例】《魏书·傅永传》:“英~,永曰:‘机者如神,难遇易失,今日不往,明朝必为贼有,虽悔无及。’” 【拼音码】cywj 【用法】主谓式;作谓语;形容迟疑不决


  1. "沉阴极电池"英文
  2. "沉吟"英文
  3. "沉吟半晌"英文
  4. "沉吟不决"英文
  5. "沉吟良久"英文
  6. "沉隐"英文
  7. "沉油剂"英文
  8. "沉于筹思"英文
  9. "沉于水底的"英文
  10. "沉于水下的"英文


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