- 池塘: pond
- 法: law
- 池塘: 1.(蓄水的坑) pool; pond; etange 死水池塘 a stagnant pool; 排干池塘里的水 drain the pool; dry up a pond; 养鸭的池塘 a duck pond; 有几头牛在那池塘边饮水。 some cattle were drinking at the pool.2.(浴池) a big pool in a bathhouse; 池塘法 lagoon process; 池塘清整 preparation of ponds; 池塘养鱼 aqiuculture; 池塘养鱼法 pond pisciculture; pond culture; 池塘养殖 pond culture; 池塘鱼 pondfish
- 氧化塘法: lagoon process; oxidation pond process
- 池塘;筑成池塘: pond