江: river雾: fog弥漫: suffuse; pervade; veil; fill ...大雾弥漫: cfvfgmj = foggy weather浓雾弥漫的: fogged in烟雾弥漫: be wreathed in mist; be permeated with thick fog and smoke; filled with smoke; full of smoke; the air was filled with smoke烟雾弥漫的: hazy; reeky; smoggy; smoky; vapoury烟雾弥漫的季节: smog season brings respiratory problems烟雾弥漫你的双眼: smoke gets in your eyes烟雾弥漫你的眼: smoke gets in your eyes弥漫: suffuse; pervade; veil; fill the air; spread all over the place 弥漫浊气 be full of foul air; 烟雾弥漫 heavy with smoke; smoke-laden; be enveloped in mist; 弥漫时间 diffusion time; 弥漫物质 diffuse matter; 弥漫星云 diffuse nebula烟雾弥蒙你双眼: smoke gets in your eyes弥漫,遍布: pervade弥漫,扩散: permeate弥漫,染遍: suffuse弥漫的: diffused; pervasive弥漫率: diffusivity弥漫圈: diffusion circle弥漫说: diffusionism弥漫香: strewing herb弥漫型: diffuse form; diffuse type弥漫性: diffusibility; diffusivity渗入,弥漫: permeate v. pass, flow or spread into every part of爱弥漫四周: love is in the air暗弥漫星云: dark diffuse nebula