江湖: itinerant entertainers,quack ...医术: medical skill; art of healin ...江湖医生: charlatan; empiric; quack庸医, 江湖医生: quack doctor治病术土, 江湖医: natural healer蛇油〔江湖医生的一种万应药〕。: snake oil医术: medical skill; art of healing; leechcraft 这一病例使我们最有经验的医生也无法施展其医术。 the case baffles the skill of our most experienced medical men江湖: 江湖1.(旧时指各处流浪卖艺、 卖药等生活的人) itinerant entertainers, quacks, etc.2.(这种人所从事的行业) trade of such people〔古语〕医术。: leech craft牙医术: dentistri dzntistri医术的: iatric; medical庸医术: charlatanism; quackery镜湖医院: hospital kiang wu; kiang wu hospital草药医术: ayurvedic草药医术学: herbalism齿科医术: odontology盖林的医术: galenism手足医术: chiropody; podiatry医术的心得: doc's code医术高明: high degree of medical skill医术光环: a03d庸医的医术: empiricism; quackery自然医术的: naturopathic步江湖: ericdong闯江湖: [旧时用语] make a living wandering from place to place (as a fortune-teller, acrobat, quack doctor, etc.) (指奔走四方、流浪谋生, 从事算卦、杂耍、卖药治病等)