

  • amalgam
  • 汞齐:    amalgam
  • :    a pharmaceutical or other ch ...
  • :    Ⅰ名词1.(药剂; 制剂) a pharmaceutical or other chemical preparation 搽剂 liniment; 催醒剂 analeptic; 滴鼻[眼] 剂 nasal [eye] drops; 酊剂 tincture; 锭剂 lozenge; 合剂 mixture; 糊剂 paste; 浸剂 infusion; 麻醉剂 narcotic; anaesthetic; 片剂 tablet; 散剂 powder medicine; 栓剂 suppository; 丸剂 pill; bolus; 针剂 injection2.(某些有化学作用的物品) agent 催化剂 catalyst; catalytic agent; 防腐制剂 preservative; antiseptic; 干燥剂 drying agent; desiccant3.(姓氏) a surname 剂轩 ji xuanⅡ量词(用于若干味药配合起来的汤药) dose 一剂中药 a dose of chinese herbal medicine
  • 汞齐:    (汞合金) amalgam◇汞齐灯 amalgam vapour lamp; 汞齐电池 amalgam cell; 汞齐电解 amalgam electrolysis; 汞齐法 amalgam process; mercury process
  • 添加(剂);增补(剂):    supplement


        汞齐:    amalgam
        :    a pharmaceutical or other ch ...
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(药剂; 制剂) a pharmaceutical or other chemical preparation 搽剂 liniment; 催醒剂 analeptic; 滴鼻[眼] 剂 nasal [eye] drops; 酊剂 tincture; 锭剂 lozenge; 合剂 mixture; 糊剂 paste; 浸剂 infusion; 麻醉剂 narcotic; anaesthetic; 片剂 tablet; 散剂 powder medicine; 栓剂 suppository; 丸剂 pill; bolus; 针剂 injection2.(某些有化学作用的物品) agent 催化剂 catalyst; catalytic agent; 防腐制剂 preservative; antiseptic; 干燥剂 drying agent; desiccant3.(姓氏) a surname 剂轩 ji xuanⅡ量词(用于若干味药配合起来的汤药) dose 一剂中药 a dose of chinese herbal medicine
        汞齐:    (汞合金) amalgam◇汞齐灯 amalgam vapour lamp; 汞齐电池 amalgam cell; 汞齐电解 amalgam electrolysis; 汞齐法 amalgam process; mercury process
        添加(剂);增补(剂):    supplement
        镭敷(剂):    radium compress
        氨汞齐:    ammonia amalgam
        电汞齐:    electric amalgam
        汞齐板:    amalgam plate; amalgamated plate; amalgamation plate
        汞齐泵:    amalgam pump
        汞齐灯:    amalgam vapour lamp
        汞齐法:    amalgamation process
        汞齐化:    amalagm; amalgamate; amalgamating; amalgamation (blue dip); blue dip
        钾汞齐:    pota iumamalgam; potassium amalgam
        金汞齐:    gold amalgam
        铝汞齐:    aluminium amalgam; al.hg.aluminum amalgam
        钠汞齐:    [化学] (钠汞合金) sodium amalgam
        浓汞齐:    thickened amalgam
        铅汞齐:    lead amalgam
        铁汞齐:    iron amalgam; ironamalgam
        铜汞齐:    copper amalgam
        锡汞齐:    tin amalgam
        锌汞齐:    amalgam zinc; zinc amalgam
        银汞齐:    silver amalgam
        锂汞齐:    lithium amalgam


  1. "汞膨胀计"英文
  2. "汞皮肤色素沉着"英文
  3. "汞皮疹"英文
  4. "汞平衡式水压计程仪"英文
  5. "汞齐"英文
  6. "汞齐;汞合金"英文
  7. "汞齐板"英文
  8. "汞齐泵"英文
  9. "汞齐捕集器"英文
  10. "汞齐灯"英文


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