

发音:   用"汞矿床"造句
  • mercury ore deposit
  • :    mercury
  • 矿床:    mineral deposit; ore deposit ...
  • 汞矿:    mercury minerals; mercury ointment; mercury ore; mercury(mercuric)ore
  • 矿床:    [地质学] mineral deposit; ore deposit; deposit; mine 层状矿床 bedded deposit; 海底矿床 submarine deposit; 金属矿床 metalliferous deposit; 矿床开拓 orebody development; 矿床评价 evaluation of deposits
  • 橙汞矿:    hydrargyrite; montroydite


  1. The ore - bearing fluid of dabaoshan deposit was relate to magmatic thermal dynamic process and formed hydrothermal sedimentary polymetallic deposit at seafloor . the ore - bearing fluid of fankou was relate to circulation hydrothermal fluid in deep formation and formed pb - zn - ag - hg polymetallic middle - lower temperature sedimentary deposit by sea - floor thermal spring overflowing


        :    mercury
        矿床:    mineral deposit; ore deposit ...
        汞矿:    mercury minerals; mercury ointment; mercury ore; mercury(mercuric)ore
        矿床:    [地质学] mineral deposit; ore deposit; deposit; mine 层状矿床 bedded deposit; 海底矿床 submarine deposit; 金属矿床 metalliferous deposit; 矿床开拓 orebody development; 矿床评价 evaluation of deposits
        橙汞矿:    hydrargyrite; montroydite
        碘汞矿:    coccinite; iodquecksilber; jodquecksilber; mercuric iodide
        肝汞矿:    hepatic mercuric ore; hepatic mercury ore; hepatic mercury(mercuric)ore
        汞矿物:    mercury mineral
        汞矿业:    mercury mining
        辉汞矿:    onofrite
        角汞矿:    mercurial horn ore
        氯汞矿:    eglestonite; mercury chloride
        锑汞矿:    ammislite
        硒汞矿:    coccinite; koehlerite; kohlerite; onofrite
        银汞矿:    argental mercury; moschellandsbergite
        碲汞矿:    coloradoite; colouradoite
        γ银汞矿:    hydrargyrite
        方碘汞矿:    hoppingite
        褐氯汞矿:    eglestonite
        黄氯汞矿:    terlinguaite; terlinguarite
        黄铵汞矿:    mosesite
        灰硒汞矿:    tiemannite
        硫化汞矿:    cinnabar
        硫砷铊汞矿:    galkhaite
        硫锑汞矿:    antimony-mercury sulphide ore; livingstonite


  1. "汞开关"英文
  2. "汞抗感染化合物中毒"英文
  3. "汞空气泵"英文
  4. "汞控恒温器"英文
  5. "汞矿"英文
  6. "汞矿物"英文
  7. "汞矿业"英文
  8. "汞扩散泵"英文
  9. "汞拉米特"英文
  10. "汞冷堆"英文


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